Study Abroad

Travel and Study Around the World

students at mealtime with bedouin hosts

Every country and culture approaches Arabic studies differently. The best way to gain a well-rounded and diverse view of the field is to live and study in another country.

Study Abroad with UO

Interested in studying Arabic while living and learning in another country?

Global Education Oregon offers study abroad programs that can satisfy your Arabic studies minor requirements. Programs are currently offered in Jordan and Israel. Alternatively, you can intern abroad through the GlobalWorks International Internship program in a variety of regions around the world.

See All Study Abroad Programs

International Exchange

Students can enroll as an exchange student at a top international research institution for fall or winter semester, spring semester or quarter, a full academic year, or summer term. Exchange students experience an immersive study abroad experience, living and learning with local students in their chosen city.

Get started: Fill out this interest form to get matched with a GEO advisor.

Exchange Programs

Featured Study Abroad Opportunities


GlobalWorks International Internships

This program, administered by Global Education Oregon (GEO), offers internship opportunities in a wide variety of industry sectors and locations around the world.

Internship opportunities are highly customizable, and we guarantee placement in your preferred sector and location. Students earn up to eight UO credits as well as life-changing work experience in a different culture.

Please email to discuss your options.

Learn about GlobalWorks

GEO Amman program camel trip

Intensive Arabic in Amman

This nine-week summer program is for students who have a strong interest in learning Modern Standard Arabic through an intensive language program in the Middle East. You will attend Arabic classes at the Qasid Arabic Institute in Amman. Students of all levels of Arabic, from novice to advanced, can be accommodated and no prior experience in Arabic language is required.

Scholarship opportunity: UO students are encouraged to apply for the Suhaimi-Goodwin study abroad scholarship, for which Jordan is a priority country.

Learn More about Amman