Publications and Creative Work

University of Oregon students can take advantage of a variety of opportunities to share their original research or creative work. Undergraduate students in the Medieval Studies Program are encouraged to participate in on-campus research symposiums or submit their work for publication.

UO Undergraduate Research Symposium

Many Medieval Studies undergraduates participate in the UO Undergraduate Research Symposium, where they can show their creative work and connect with the academic community.

Learn More About Symposium

Comparative Literature Journal

Founded at the University of Oregon in 1949, Comparative Literature explores issues in literary history and theory. The quarterly publication represents a wide-ranging look at the intersections of national literatures, global literary trends, and cultural theory. Drawing on a variety of critical approaches, the journal prides itself on publishing the work of talented young scholars breaking new ground in the field.

Comparative Literature Journal

Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal

The Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal (OURJ) is an open-access, interdisciplinary student journal at the University of Oregon. Since 2010, OURJ’s biannual issues have showcased some of the best academic work by UO undergraduate students across all disciplines. OURJ is edited and produced by an undergraduate student editorial board of peer editors.

Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal

Graduate Research Forum

The Graduate Research Forum, hosted by the Division of Graduate Studies, is a one-day conference showcasing the research, scholarship, and creative expressions of UO graduate students.

Graduate Research Forum

Council on Undergraduate Research

TextThe Council on Undergraduate Research supports student scholarship with resources and opportunities such as conference travel funding, student events, and its Scholars Transforming Through Research (STR) program, which gives undergraduates the opportunity to practice communicating the impact of their research to a variety of audience members and stakeholders.

American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Submit your work to the American Journal of Undergraduate Research (AJUR), a national, independent, open-source student research journal. Articles in AJUR are faculty peer-reviewed and span multiple disciplines.