The Language Revitalization Lab at the University of Oregon’s Linguistics Department is pleased to announce the release of the volume devoted to Awakening Languages. This is the first volume-length work devoted to revitalizing a language after a period in which it was dormant and not in use.
The volume includes case studies on Kusunda in Nepal, Coatec Zapotec in Mexico, and Brorán in Costa Rica, the last two written in Spanish, and a survey of contexts in Africa and chapters out of the US and Australia. The topics covered range from language learning and teaching, centering language authorities, capacity building and the social benefits of language awakening. Most authors are directly involved in language awakening and 13 of them are members of the communities whose languages they are working to revitalize. The volume includes chronicle-style chapters and one edited interview, in addition to academic articles, all peer-reviewed.
This volume emerged from conversations with UO students, alumni and faculty within the Language Revitalization Lab. It includes works by current doctoral student Shayleen Macy, alumni Richard Griscom, Jaeci Hall and Allison Taylor-Adams, Carson Viles, Connor Yamkis and Zalmai Zahir, and current director of the Language Teaching Studies program Keli Yerian. This highlights the long-standing engagement of the UO Linguistics Department in language awakening. Gabriela Pérez Báez, Associate Professor and director of the Language Revitalization Lab is the co-editor of the volume and co-author of the Introductory chapter alongside Justin Spence of the University of California, Davis. The volume on Awakening Languages is now available in the open access in the journal Living Languages Lenguas Vivas Línguas Vivas.