Undergraduate Programs

Why Study Creative Writing?

The creative writing minor lets students select fiction and poetry courses according to their own interests and in consultation with our faculty. As you refine your creative writing through critical thinking, you may find your voice as a writer and thinker. Workshops encourage you to develop cross-cultural communication skills, to give and receive effective feedback, and to edit and publish your creative endeavors.

photo of student working on creative writing project

Minor in Creative Writing

A minor in creative writing offers the flexibility to follow your own interests while experiencing a broad range of approaches to writing fiction and poetry. Many students combine a minor in creative writing with a major in English, comparative literature, cinema studies, folklore and public culture, Romance languages, linguistics, psychology, or history.

Linguistics: Current Students

Kidd Workshops

Join like-minded peers in a learning community with the shared mission of deepening your intellectual lives and developing yourselves as literary artists over an entire year. Nowhere else on campus do undergraduate students receive the sustained and close attention to their creative writing that the Kidd Workshops offer.

Kidd Workshops

Alexia Ramirez

Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone

“The creative writing program seemed to dig deep into the love I have for writing and bring it out of me to test my capabilities of bringing a world to life. It pushes me to pursue and understand the depths of my writing.”

—Alexia Ramirez, creative writing minor

What You Can Do with a Creative Writing Minor

Creative writing and imaginative thinking skills are valuable in a broad range of careers, from editing and publishing to marketing and research. Find out why our undergraduate students are minoring in creative writing, and discover resources to help you plan your career path.

Advising and Academic Support

Schedule an appointment with an advisor and get your questions answered.

Departmental Advising and Support

Scholarships and Awards

Learn about ways to apply for funding through the Creative Writing Program.

Explore Scholarships and Awards


Info Session for the Kidd Creative Writing Workshops
Info Session for the Kidd Creative Writing Workshops Feb 6 Alder Building
Composition Writing Lab Drop-In Hours
Composition Writing Lab Drop-In Hours Feb 6 Willie and Donald Tykeson Hall
Department of History Documentary Screening: "Men with Cameras: Filming the 1923 Kantō Earthquake in Japan"
Department of History Documentary Screening: "Men with Cameras: Filming the 1923 Kantō Earthquake in Japan" Feb 6 McKenzie Hall
“Palestine and the Future of US Campus Activism” with Prof. Eman Abdelhadi
“Palestine and the Future of US Campus Activism” with Prof. Eman Abdelhadi Feb 6 Ford Alumni Center
UO Women in Economics x UO Investment Group
UO Women in Economics x UO Investment Group Feb 6 Anstett Hall
Impossible Futures: Why Women Leave American Muslim Communities
Impossible Futures: Why Women Leave American Muslim Communities Feb 7
Studio Art in Athens Information Session
Studio Art in Athens Information Session Feb 7 Lawrence Hall
Organic/Inorganic/Materials Chemistry Seminar: Data are a Girl’s Best Friend: From High-Throughput Computation to Generative Deep Learning
Organic/Inorganic/Materials Chemistry Seminar: Data are a Girl’s Best Friend: From High-Throughput Computation to Generative Deep Learning Feb 7 Willamette Hall
POTUS or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive
POTUS or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive Feb 7 Miller Theatre Complex
POTUS or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive
POTUS or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive Feb 8 Miller Theatre Complex