Creative Writing Program

The Creative Writing Program at the University of Oregon is a two-year, fully-funded residency in which Master of Fine Arts (MFA) students concentrate in either poetry or fiction. The program emphasizes the workshop, integrating concentrated time for writing with craft seminars and individualized reading tutorials.  Each year we invite six writers for our Reading Series: recently we’ve hosted Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, Elizabeth McCracken, and Justin Torres on the fiction side; in poetry, Ocean Vuong, Solmaz Sharif, and Robin Coste Lewis.    

We offer two tracks for undergraduate study: a minor in Creative Writing, with workshops, seminars, and literature courses, as well as the Walter and Nancy Kidd Creative Writing Workshops, a unique yearlong studio experience in which students pursue their passion for creative writing in small classes with the support of peers and a graduate mentor. Follow us on Instagram to learn more about our program.

Diversity Statement

Creative Writing News and Events

CREATIVE WRITING - Bestselling author and CAS faculty member Karen Thompson Walker has found success as a writer—and as a creative writing associate professor—by asking "what if?." She also incorporates it into her classroom, where her primary teaching focus is on fiction with a catastrophic or fantastical element.
CREATIVE WRITING, ENGLISH - This June, we celebrate Pride Month and the diverse identities of alumni identifying as LGBTQ+. Three College of Arts and Sciences alumni — Whitney Donielson, English, '11; Kevin Thomas, biology, '85; and Morgan Thomas, creative writing, '16— are featured in the UO Alumni Association's Shout publication.
CREATIVE WRITING, PHILOSOPHY - Two professors — Garrett Hongo and Colin Koopman — have been named 2023 Presidential Fellows in Arts and Humanities. They'll use the funding to work on book projects.

All news »

Info Session for the Kidd Creative Writing Workshops
Info Session for the Kidd Creative Writing Workshops Feb 6 Alder Building
Composition Writing Lab Drop-In Hours
Composition Writing Lab Drop-In Hours Feb 6 Willie and Donald Tykeson Hall
Department of History Documentary Screening: "Men with Cameras: Filming the 1923 Kantō Earthquake in Japan"
Department of History Documentary Screening: "Men with Cameras: Filming the 1923 Kantō Earthquake in Japan" Feb 6 McKenzie Hall
“Palestine and the Future of US Campus Activism” with Prof. Eman Abdelhadi
“Palestine and the Future of US Campus Activism” with Prof. Eman Abdelhadi Feb 6 Ford Alumni Center
UO Women in Economics x UO Investment Group
UO Women in Economics x UO Investment Group Feb 6 Anstett Hall
Impossible Futures: Why Women Leave American Muslim Communities
Impossible Futures: Why Women Leave American Muslim Communities Feb 7
Studio Art in Athens Information Session
Studio Art in Athens Information Session Feb 7 Lawrence Hall
Organic/Inorganic/Materials Chemistry Seminar: Data are a Girl’s Best Friend: From High-Throughput Computation to Generative Deep Learning
Organic/Inorganic/Materials Chemistry Seminar: Data are a Girl’s Best Friend: From High-Throughput Computation to Generative Deep Learning Feb 7 Willamette Hall
POTUS or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive
POTUS or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive Feb 7 Miller Theatre Complex
POTUS or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive
POTUS or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive Feb 8 Miller Theatre Complex

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What You Can Do with a Creative Writing Degree

Our alumni have a long history of success with publishing, translation, fellowships, and prizes. Recent graduates have received Wallace Stegner Fellowships, the Dylan Thomas Award (University of Wales), the Amy Lowell Scholarship, the Philip Levine Prize in Poetry, the Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award, and other honors. Many of our graduates have launched successful careers working for:

  • Newspapers, magazines, and book publishers
  • Media companies
  • Colleges and universities
  • Marketing and advertising agencies
  • Research institutes

How a Creative Writing MFA Enhances Your Life

“My time in the MFA was incredibly enriching for both my work and my life. The program's dual commitments to the tradition and our own individual sensibilities proved invaluable for me. The lessons learned therein continue to inform and instruct my poetry as well as my living.”

—Loїc-Aime-Mulatris, MFA in poetry, '21

Our Degree Programs

Students in the Creative Writing Program can pursue a minor or an MFA. We also offer Kidd Workshops, a unique studio experience in which students workshop their creative work in small classes with the support of peers and a graduate mentor.

Undergraduate Degrees
Graduate Degrees
Author reading to students

Develop as a Literary Artist

Deepen your intellectual life and expand your writing skills within a community of like-minded peers in our Kidd Workshops, and hear from award-winning writers in our annual Reading Series.

Person sitting at desk

Learn from Experts in the Field

Our faculty comprises award-winning authors and poets, including Pushcart Prize winners, National Endowment for the Arts recipients, and honorees of the Walt Whitman and O. Henry awards. In addition to a broad range of novels, nonfiction books, and poetry collections, their work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Harper’s, Best American Short Stories, and many other venues.

Scholarships and Funding

The Creative Writing Program offers awards for both undergraduate and graduate students. Our MFA program fully funds students during their two-year residency program.

Undergraduate Scholarships  
Graduate Funding

Academic Support

Our academic advisors can help students understand their major or minor requirements, plan their course of study, explore study abroad opportunities, and more.

Undergraduate Advising  
Support for Graduate Students