Funding and Research Support

Students in our graduate have an opportunity to apply for funding through graduate employee fellowships, along with additional scholarships and fellowships. MA students are typically supported for two years of their study and PhD students are supported for five years.

Graduate Employee Fellowships

A number of Graduate Employee Fellowships (GEs) are available each year for new graduate students in the department. Students must apply to the department by January 1 for admission and appointment the following fall term. During each term of the appointment, graduate teaching fellows must register for and complete at least 9 credits of coursework that can be applied to the degree program.

GE Fellowships Summary

Although there is no guarantee of funding, GE support is generally renewed for those making satisfactory progress. MA students are typically supported for two years of their study and PhD students are supported for five years. After the normal period of support, students may lose priority in the department’s considerations of funding. The academic quarters in which a student is supported completely by outside funding are not regarded as part of his/her EALL-supported period.

EALL graduate students receiving funding from EALL are expected to focus on making timely progress toward their academic degree and should enroll in at least nine credits of graduate course work directly related to their degree objectives in EALL each term. Only in highly unusual cases will the department approve the pursuit of concurrent degrees (graduate or undergraduate); in such cases, formal approval must be obtained from both departments. Each student’s adviser reviews quarterly all courses signed up for by the student.

Additional notes:

  • First year GEs must attend an orientation and training workshop during the week prior to the beginning of fall term
  • Students admitted with an EALL Graduate Employee fellowship the first year may apply for renewal of their GE support in subsequent years
  • Students who enroll in unapproved courses that do not contribute to their academic training in EALL risk losing priority for GE funding

Criteria for GE Awards and Assignments

Graduate students seeking appointment (or reappointment) should turn in the materials below by January 1 for the following academic year:

  • Non-native speaking GE applicants must submit an audio recording with the application (applicants may read a story or essay in Chinese or Japanese on any subject)
  • Newly appointed international students whose native language is not English are required to take the Test of Spoken English (TSE, available at TOEFL testing sites) or the SPEAK Test through the University of Oregon’s American English Institute in order to determine an appropriate assignment. Scores below 50 will require that the GE take an additional supporting course or courses in English language proficiency at no additional cost.

Application materials listed above must be received by January 1 for the following academic year.A faculty committee will discuss qualifications and determine assignments when appointing new GEs.

GEs seeking reappointment will compete with new applicants for the position. Because teaching experience is one criterion for reappointment, a GE who has demonstrated satisfactory performance in the past can expect to score highly on that ranking. GEs are periodically given student evaluations.

Ranking of Applicants: Applicants whose field of study is Chinese, Japanese, or Korean literature, language education, or linguistics will be given priority. Other criteria include:

  • Fluency in standard Chinese or Japanese
  • Teaching experience
  • Ranking within major department

General Duties and Responsibilities

Article 6, Work Assignment/Work Agreement in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the University and the GTFF details the General Duties and Responsibilities Statement (GDRS) that each hiring unit must prepare describing the conditions under which GE appointments and reappointments are made, evaluates are performed, etc.

The GDRS is not a job description.

CAPS Small Professional Grants

The Center for Asian and Pacific Studies is offering awards of up to $500 in support of the professional activities of UO graduate students studying Asia. Awards will be made for the following purposes:

  • Travel to conferences to present papers.
  • Travel to libraries, museums, and archival collections.
  • Expenses related to book and article production and publication.

Deadlines are twice per year, typically in November and March.

CAPS Grants

Freeman Internship Fellowships

The Freeman Foundation seeks to assist colleges and universities in expanding opportunities for U.S. students to work as interns in East and Southeast Asia. These internship fellowships provide stipends up to $6,000 to UO student interns to offset travel and living expenses overseas.

Only US citizens and permanent residents are eligible. Deadlines are three times per year.

Freeman Fellowships

Overseas Travel Funding

EALL has a number of scholarship funds that EALL MA or PhD students can use for costs associated with overseas research purposes and study abroad. The awards are intended to partially offset such expenses rather than to fully fund such research trips.

Details regarding the funds are as follows:

Alan Wolfe Memorial Fellowship

Qualifying students: MA or PhD degree students in or admitted to the Japanese Studies graduate program, or undergraduate students with a declared Japanese major or minor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. Preference will be given to graduate students.

Japan America Friendship Fund

The Japan America Friendship Fund Scholarship is for undergraduate or graduate students planning to study abroad in the coming summer or academic year. It supports travel to Japan for study of Japanese language and culture.

The goal of the scholarship is to sustain and improve Japanese/American relations and understanding. Candidates must be US citizens who have applied to study abroad in the coming summer or academic year (but you do not need to have been formally accepted to a program before applying).

All of these funds are awarded through one centralized online application process, which is administered by CAPS (Center for Asian and Pacific Studies). The deadline is typically in April.

Apply for Travel Funding 

Study Abroad Scholarships

Global Education Oregon (GEO) offers nearly 40 scholarships for UO students to help fund their study or intern abroad experiences. Eligibility, award amount, application process, and deadlines vary by scholarship. Scholarships are often used to supplement the cost of a study abroad program and, in many cases, students can receive and use multiple scholarships for the same program in addition to their financial aid.

GEO Scholarships