Explore our Graduate Programs
Our Chinese, Japanese, and Korean graduate programs prepare students to work in a variety of professional and academic fields. Students receive intensive training in linguistic and textual analysis, and an extensive exposure to literary theory and comparative and cultural studies. We are also one of few universities in the nation that offer a complete East Asian Linguistics doctoral program.

Earn a Graduate Degree in East Asian Languages and Literatures
We encourage students to develop their specialization in Asian literatures, cultures, and linguistics in broader, more comparative, and more interdisciplinary perspectives than has been the case in traditional programs. We encourage creative connections and challenges to conventional disciplinary boundaries by exploring the relationships between language linguistics, literature and such areas as cinema, law, history, politics, religion, philosophy, sociology, media studies, theatre and performing arts, and women’s and gender studies.
Graduates of our doctorate programs are highly sought after in the academic job market. From 2020 to 2024, of a total of 16 graduates, 13 (81%) secured academic roles in higher education across the U.S., East Asia, and Europe, with eight (62%) of these positions being tenure-track. Our graduate alumni are also working in fields outside of academia, including secondary education, media, and technology.

Study Across Disciplines
"The interdisciplinary graduate training in linguistics, gender studies, and digital communication at EALL and working as a GE for both Chinese language classes and linguistic content courses prepared me exceptionally well for my career as a professor at a liberal arts college. The professors at EALL are truly dedicated to the success of their students."
–Jun Lang, Chinese linguistics, '22, tenure-track assistant professor at Pomona College
Funding your Graduate Studies
From graduate employee fellowships to scholarships for trips abroad, graduate students in East Asian languages and literatures can apply to receive funding from diverse sources.
Prepare for the Professional World
A graduate degree in East Asian languages and literatures opens the door to exciting job possibilities. Discover resources to help you prepare for your chosen career path and connect with peers in your program.

Gain Valuable Experience
"My most valuable experience as a doctoral student was participating in Professor DiNitto's interdisciplinary graduate seminars on Japanese literary criticism and transpacific literature, which offered many opportunities for debate, introspection, and intellectual collaboration with other graduate students. The best part about working as a Japanese language GE were those quiet ‘Eureka!’ moments where students began to intuit the language and use it off the cuff, which is the first step toward real-world proficiency!"
Tim Strikwerda, Japanese literature, '24, tenure-track assistant professorship at University of Central Arkansas