The study of humanities focuses on introspection, analysis, and critical thinking—but our discipline also offers diverse opportunities for experiential learning outside the classroom. By getting out into the world and experiencing different cultures, students can gain a more well-rounded understanding of the field while developing practical job skills.

Travel and Study Around the World
The best way to learn about different cultures is to experience them firsthand. Students in the Humanities Program have the opportunity to study abroad for a term or a full academic year.

Oregon Humanities Center
The Oregon Humanities Center is the primary interdisciplinary umbrella organization and research institute for the humanities at the UO. It sponsors a wide array of free public programs designed to provide a forum for discussion of and reflection on important issues.

UO Undergraduate Research Symposium
Many Humanities majors participate in the University of Oregon Undergraduate Research Symposium, where they can show their creative work and connect with the UO community.