Mailing Address
Department of Theatre Arts
1288 University of Oregon
McKenzie Hall #275
Eugene, OR 97403-1205
How to Find Us
University Theatre
The University of Oregon is home of Miller Theatre Complex, which features two recently renovated spaces: the Robinson and Hope Theatres. The Robinson Theatre is a 300-seat proscenium theatre with a beautifully expanded lobby, acoustics upgrades, and improved sight lines via new stadium-style seating. The Hope Theatre is a 150-seat flexible space designed with state-of-the-art sound and light capability. The space is completely flexible in its arrangement from full-round to thrust staging to proscenium or stadium configurations.
Tour Villard before the renovation in progress:
Administrative Contacts

Philip W. Scher
Department Head
Phone: 541-346-5104
Office: 322 Fenton Hall
Profile Page

Tricia Rodley
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Phone: 541-346-6174
Office: 10A Mac Court
Profile Page

Michael Malek Najjar
Director of Graduate Studies
Phone: 541-346-2237
Office: B11A MacArthur Court
Profile Page