Funding and Research Support

The Department of Theatre Arts is dedicated to supporting graduate student research and creative work. We often offer end-of-year scholarships for graduate students with proven records of scholarship and creative work. Because we cannot predict year to year what resources we may have, the director of graduate studies and/or the department head will make announcements of these opportunities on a case-by-case basis.

Graduate Employment

The Department of Theatre Arts engages graduate employees (GEs) to assist in undergraduate instruction. GEs receive a tuition waiver and stipend for the period appointed. GE assignments are programmatically determined by the department head in consultation with the Department of Graduate Studies and full faculty. Areas needing GE support are discussed each spring in faculty meetings, and the final number of GEs awarded is subject to budgetary constraints. A GPA of 3.50 must be maintained for a GE appointment.

GE funding for the master's degree is typically limited to the second year only, contingent on available funding; for the master of find arts, the limit is three years; for the doctorate, the limit is four years.

Please access the current academic year’s General Duties and Responsibilities for theatre arts from the Graduate School’s website. The GDRS documents (PDFs) contained on the Graduate School’s website are considered the master copies, and any electronic or non-electronic distribution of the GDRS must be made from these copies.

Travel and Conference Funding

We encourage graduate students to attend conferences and present their research and creative work, and we are often able to offer support in the form of travel and conference fees. If you are presenting at a conference, you should apply for travel funds by composing a letter to the department head identifying the conference, your part in it (include an abstract or description of your paper or performance), and itemizing your anticipated travel costs and registration fees.

The limit for graduate funded conference/research travel is $700 per year. In addition, graduate students may apply one time for up to $2,000 from the Theatre Arts Miller Fund for research travel to New York City. Send travel requests to the department head, who will present your request to the full faculty and then let you know if funds are available. As with scholarships, we cannot predict resources year to year, nor can we make promises, but we are committed to doing our best to support graduate research and creative work.

University of Oregon Funding Opportunities

There are a number of resources across campus to help you fund your research and creative work. The UO Graduate School, and several on-campus institutes and centers have grants for graduate student research and creative work, including travel to conferences and dissertation research.

We recommend that you explore the grants for graduate students offered by the Center for the Study of Women in Society (CSWS) and the Oregon Humanities Center (OHC), each of which have a variety of research interest groups that might be congruent with your interests.