
Want to gain a competitive edge in your future career? Internships can help you develop valuable job skills, gain practical work experience, and explore potential career paths—all while learning in a real-world environment.

All cinema studies majors are strongly encouraged to complete at least one internship during their time as a student. Internships may be taken for up to 12 credits total. Only four of these credits may count toward the cinema studies major as general electives. Internship hours may not be awarded for work done previously.

University of Oregon students and alumni searching for a job or internship are encouraged to utilize the Cinema Studies Job and Internship Database. New jobs and internships are posted to the database weekly. For additional questions on finding internships, please email Instructor Alissa Phillips.

The Cinema Studies internship class, CINE 404: Internship, allows majors to earn academic credit while gaining experiential learning experience.

Register for CINE 404: Internship

UO Career Center Resources

The Career Center provides career and job search assistance, offers strategies for choosing a career, and helps connect students with local and global internship opportunities. Students participating in internships can earn up to 12 upper-division credits in a 10-week term.

Student Alumni Association Intern Scholarships

Got your dream internship, but found out it’s unpaid and stressing over how you’re going to live all summer? The New York Ducks, DC Ducks, and Chicago Ducks offer scholarships for students completing summer internships in New York City, Washington, DC, or Chicago.

Regional Scholarships

IE3 Global Internships

Would you like to earn internship credits toward your major while living and working abroad? The IE3 Global program offers internships at over 100 different organizations in 50 countries, where students can earn credits toward their major or university requirements.

IE3 Global Internships

Attend a Career Fair

Career, internship, and job fairs occur throughout the academic year. Stop by to discover opportunities within your area of interest.

Upcoming Career Events

Experiential Learning Scholarships

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences can apply for funding to support them in pursuing experiential learning opportunities. These scholarships provide up to $5,000 in financial support to assist students in completing an unpaid internship, research opportunity, or service-learning experience of at least eight weeks duration.

Apply for a Scholarship