Getting involved in the world of comics beyond the classroom is critical in equipping students with the necessary skills for life after graduation. We offer multiple ways for students to make the most of their time while in the minor.

Get Involved in Exhibitions
Students have been involved in exhibitions such as the “Aliens, Monsters and Madmen: The Art of EC Comics” and “The Art of the News” both displayed at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art (JSMA). Students should connect with faculty members to learn more about ways to get involved in curation of future exhibits.
Comics and Cartoon Studies and STEM Unite
The University of Oregon Science/Comics Interdisciplinary Research Program unites two growing areas at the UO: Comics & Cartoon Studies and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). The program encourages interdisciplinary research and spurs curriculum development. We bring together faculty, students, and researchers from numerous departments, programs, and campus facilities to produce scholarship that utilizes both humanistic and scientific research practices.

Dive into the Archives
The Gardner Fox Collection at Special Collections and University Archives Knight Library is a research opportunity for any student — an archive of rare comics dating from the 1940s to the 1960s from the collection of the creator of the Flash.

Art Ducko Comics Magazine
Art Ducko is the University of Oregon’s first comics magazine. The magazine aims to build the comics community on campus by showcasing students’ work. Art Ducko’s mission is to provide a space for UO students to develop both their artistic and creative writing skills, gain experience working on a creative team, and publish their own original comics.