Comparative literature is trans-national, trans-medial, and trans-cultural. It is a discipline built on pursuing connections between different aesthetic forms, cultural traditions, and ideas. Fundamentally the discipline of comparative literature is a practice, a habit of learning, a way of studying literature, film, and culture without arbitrarily stopping at national or linguistic borders. We acknowledge that the world is interconnected.

Incoming Students
Students who study comparative literature at the University of Oregon have a passion for words, images, and ideas. They are drawn to stories, and they understand the power of representation. They think across disciples and challenge existing frameworks. They are creative, critical, and committed to imagining a more just world.

Current UO Students
An education in comparative literature gives you experience grappling with cultural and linguistic differences and thinking outside disciplinary boxes. It emphasizes the importance of being thoughtful, analytical, flexible, and creative in all that you undertake.
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Graduate Programs
In the spirit of vital redefinition, UO offers one of the nation’s most flexible and innovative doctoral programs in comparative literature, providing a solid foundation in theoretical and historical approaches essential to working across national traditions, historical periods, theoretical models, and media.
Scholarships and Funding
Need help funding your education? Apply for undergraduate scholarships from a variety of sources and learn more about funding options to support your graduate studies.