Declare or Change Major

To declare the comparative literature major, click the button below to set up an advising meeting with the director of undergraduate studies. You may drop into office hours or create your own appointment.

Dawn Marlan
Senior Lecturer I

When a student decides to declare the major, the department submits notification to the registrar. About a week following the appointment, the student should be able to see the status of the comparative literature major requirements displayed in the Degree Guide in DuckWeb.

When the student is ready, ideally by the start of the junior year, the focus fields should be declared. The process is the same as declaring the major. The student meets with the director of undergraduate studies, and subsequently the registrar is notified.

Email the Director

Declare a Minor

Students wishing to declare a minor in comparative literature should meet with a Tykeson advisor to discuss their interests and develop a program of study. The adviser can facilitate the formal declaration.

The student should check DuckWeb to see the minor designation reflected about seven days after declaring the minor. After declaring the minor, the Degree Guide in DuckWeb will display the status of the minor requirements.

Contact an Advisor