Welcome. Willkommen. Välkommen. In our department, you can choose a major in either German language and culture, or Scandinavian (with Swedish language foundation), or an interdisciplinary major that combines German or Scandinavian with another discipline entirely such as history, philosophy, political science, global studies, art history, cinema studies, comparative literature, etc. For students wishing to engage deeply with the interpretation and critical analysis of literary, theoretical, and mediatic discourses from the eighteenth century through today, we have rigorous and flexible master’s and doctoral programs attentive to each student’s particular intellectual interests.

Incoming Undergraduate Students
Germany and Scandanavia boast some of the world's most fascinating cultures, most beautiful landscapes, most advanced economics, and highest qualities of life. Our program will prepare you for a multitude of options after graduation, as well as help you develop valuable skills in critical thinking and communication. We offer BA or BS degrees in:
- German
- Scandinavian
- German and Scandinavian Studies

Current UO Undergraduate Students
Students in our department learn to speak, read, and write in German or Swedish, take courses ranging from Viking sagas to present-day literature and film, and chart paths through the literature, history, philosophy, music, art, politics, and societies of Germany and Scandinavia—all under the personal mentorship of our professors.

Graduate Programs
Our programs leading to the master's and docotoral degree in German offer a supportive environment for students looking to engage in the critical analysis of literary, theoretical, and cinematic discourses focused on post-Enlightenment modernity. Our graduate cohort is compact enough to ensure that every student benefits from individual mentoring and career preparation, and large enough to support an ambitious, well-balanced curriculum.
Scholarships and Funding
Need help funding your education? Apply for undergraduate scholarships from a variety of sources and learn more about funding options to support your graduate studies.