Funding and Research Support

We strive to support all of our graduate students financially as they pursue their degrees. Our MA and PhD students typically work as Graduate Employees (GEs) each term during the academic year, teaching a range of German language courses. GE positions include monthly salary, a tuition waiver, health insurance at a small cost, and other benefits bargained for by the UO Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation. For more information on salary and benefit packages, visit the UO Graduate School’s webpage.

Other professional training opportunities that are occasionally offered in connection with a GE position include editing work for the online journal Konturen that is housed in the department, or other work related to editing or research assistance for faculty.

Summer support is typically available through teaching assignments in first- and second-year German language. In addition, after PhD students successfully attain candidacy, they are eligible for up to two summers of dissertation research and writing support at $4,000 per summer, contingent on solid progress through the program.

Graduate students also receive a yearly individual allotment for conference and research travel and professional development expenses. Additional special awards may be made on the basis of merit and need.

We offer several scholarships to support our graduate students:

  • The Astrid M. Williams Fellowship
  • Roger Nicholls Emeritus Professor Award
  • Hansen Graduate Fellowship Award
  • The Schmidt Fellowship

Finally, we actively support our students in their applications for fellowship opportunities internal to the University of Oregon as well as external scholarships. There are also funding opportunities for graduate students who want to research abroad.

CAS Scholarships

The College of Arts and Sciences awards various scholarships to both incoming students and those who are already attending the UO, including donor-supported scholarships and fellowships; inclusion scholarships to support students coming to the UO from underrepresented communities; and financial support to assist students in completing an unpaid internship, research opportunity, or service-learning experience. Graduate scholarships available through CAS include:

  • Mary Chambers Brockelbank Endowed Assistance Fund
  • College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Scholarship
  • Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
  • Henry V Howe Scholarship
  • John L. and Naomi Luvaas Graduate Fellowship
  • Miller Family Graduate Award in Technology & Science
  • Everett D. Monte Scholarship
  • Risa Palm Graduate Fellowship
  • Charles A. Reed Graduate Fellowship
  • Steve and Sherry Schroeder Scholarship
  • Marthe E. Smith Memorial Science Scholarship
  • James and Dorothy Whitman Scholarship
  • Norman Brown Graduate Fellowship

CAS Scholarships

Affiliate Scholarships

The Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) promotes international academic relations and cooperation by offering mobility programs primarily for students and faculty, but also for administrators and others in the higher education realm.

The German Bundestag (the German Parliament) offers young people the opportunity to get to know the German parliamentary system and political decision-making processes and to gain practical experience of parliamentary work during a 15-week work placement with a Member of the Bundestag.

The Oregon Humanities Center offers a variety of fellowships for graduate students.

The Center for the Study of Women in Society offers several grants and fellowships.