Students earning a German or Scandinavian degree can either receive support from departmental advisors or connect with the support available through Tykeson Hall. If you have already declared a major or minor, or have questions about our majors and minors, you can contact any of the advisors below. They can offer expertise about your major, as well as detailed information about your major department and its curricular and co-curricular offerings.
You can also email the department and we will get back to you in 1-2 business days.
Department Advisors
Please email the advisors in your field to set up an advising appointment.

Elizabeth Howard
German & Scandinavian Instructor (Contact for Swedish)
Phone: 541-346-4051
Office: 310 Friendly Hall
Profile Page

Dr. Michael Stern
Director of Undergraduate Studies Scandinavian
Phone: 541-346-4126
Office: 204 Friendly Hall
Profile Page

Matthias Vogel
Director of Undergraduate Studies German & Scandinavian
Phone: 541-346-9122
Office: 208 Friendly Hall
Profile Page
Tykeson Hall Advising
If you’re exploring the full range of majors that might match your interests and strengths, we encourage you to visit the Tykeson College and Career Advising team in Tykeson Hall, where you can work with professional college and career advisors to explore your interests, schedule your classes, plan for graduation, discuss career possibilities, and more. Tykeson College and Career Advising is the academic and career advising destination for all students who:
- Have not yet declared a major, referred to as exploring students.
- Are declared majors and minors in the College of Arts and Sciences.
- Are considering another major or exploring other majors.
- Want to explore career options and opportunities.
The Tykeson advising team can also help majors and minors in German and Scandinavian plan courses, integrate activities to help with career preparation, answer questions about core education and university policies and procedures, and connect you with other resources for student success.
Location: Tykeson Hall
Phone: 541-346-9200
MS Teams/Email:
Drop-in Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.