Major Requirements

The Judaic Studies Program consists of required core courses taught under the JDST, HBRW, and REL subject codes and related courses taught in the disciplines of participating faculty members, including Anthropology, Art History, Comparative Literature, English, Geography, Germanic languages and literatures, History, Landscape Architecture, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Romance Languages, Sociology, and Women’s and Gender Studies.

Judaic studies provides a broad liberal-arts background suitable for careers in a wide range of professional fields and prepares students for graduate work in Judaic Studies or related endeavors.

Program Requirements

Students can earn a bachelor of arts in Judaic studies. Currently, the major requires a minimum of 68 credits. Up to four credits in either internship or practicum may be used to satisfy major requirements.

For students wanting to study MODERN Hebrew, JDST accepts transfer credits from Tel Aviv University or Hebrew University (at Hebrew U we can accept credits through the Rothberg School or through eTeacher (Rosen School)). No other programs are approved for Hebrew credits. Please contact Bassem Hosny, program director of Judaic Studies for more information.

Lower-Division Requirements (28 credits)

The lower-division credits must include the three core courses which cover the development of Judaism and Jewish culture in a chronological sequence (REL 211, JDST 212, JDST 213), and an Introduction to the Study of the Bible (REL 222).

  • Hebrew (HBRW 111, 112, 113)
  • Early Judaism (REL 211)
  • Medieval and Early Modern Judaism (JDST 212)
  • The Jewish Encounter with Modernity (JDST 213)
  • Introduction to the Study of the Bible (REL 222)

Upper-Division Requirements (40 credits)

Upper-division requirements total 40 credits and include 10 courses, one of which must concentrate on the American Jewish experience. The remaining courses must focus on significant issues in Judaic studies as defined from the perspective of the instructor’s academic discipline. These courses must be taken in at least two departments.

Recently offered courses include Women in Judaism (REL 318), Jewish Writers (ENG 340), Israelis and Palestinians (JDST 342), American Jewish History (HIST 358), and Jewish Folklore and Ethnology (ANTH 429). Other approved courses include Geography of Religion (GEOG 446), Sociology of Religion (SOC 461), Philosophy of Religion (PHIL 320), Religious Life in the United States (HIST 359), Themes in German Literature (GER 368), and Europe in the 20th Century (HIST 428).

To satisfy the upper-division requirement, students must take:

  • Three biblical or post-biblical Hebrew literature courses
  • One course in the American Jewish experience
  • Six approved elective courses offered by at least two other departments


A list of approved courses is available from the program director preceding each term; it also appears in the online class schedule.

  • ANTH 429: Jewish Folklore and Ethnology
  • ENG 340: Jewish Writers
  • ENG 380: Film, Media, and History
  • FLR 411: Folklore and Religion
  • GER 368: Themes in German Literature
  • HIST 415: Advanced World History: [Topic]
  • HIST 428: Europe in the 20th Century: [Topic]
  • JDST 330: American Jewish Cultures
  • PHIL 320: Philosophy of Religion
  • REL 414: Biblical Book: [Topic]