
In concert with our commitment to pluralism and openness to interdisciplinary perspectives, our faculty excels in both teaching and research, cultivating a supportive and engaged culture.

The Department of Philosophy creates and publishes articles, journals, books, websites, digital archives, and multimedia essays, and our students and faculty present at conferences around the world. Our department holds special strengths in pragmatism, feminism, decolonialism, and environmental ethics. 

Research Across Disciplines

Our faculty members explore philosophical issues and ideas through independent and original research. The wide-ranging interests span academic fields, historical eras, and languages. Interdisciplinary work is at the core of our Philosophy department, and our faculty often investigate questions across multiple fields.

Explore Our Research

Immerse yourself in fascinating reads from our faculty, investigating topics from living with animals to becoming our data.

Recent Publications

Join Our Discussions

Our Community Philosophy Institutes and workshops facilitate public forums for discussion and debate on a wide range of issues challenging communities in Oregon and beyond. We tackle subjects from data ethics to homelessness.

Institutes and Workshops


June 25, 2024
INDIGENOUS, RACE AND ETHNIC STUDIES, PHILOSOPHY - Sensors collect data on all sorts of information, including gait consistency, body temperature, heart rate, and more. But where is the ethical line between using sensor data to help an athlete improve their performance—and even avoid injury—and that same data being used to sideline them or used as surveillance of behavior?
May 1, 2024
ENGLISH, PHILOSOPHY - Since the launch of ChatGPT in 2022, public awareness of artificial intelligence has exploded, accelerating the technology’s inevitable creep into everyday life. In the University of Oregon College of Arts and Sciences, where AI has made its way into both classrooms and research labs, faculty members are grappling with its impact on student learning even as they explore its vast potential in their research.
March 6, 2024
PHILOSOPHY - With violence against women on the rise in many Latin American countries, a UO philosophy professor is working to make feminine genocide a recognized crime throughout Mexico. Recently, she urged Mexican consulates around the world to help eliminate violence against women and girls by recognizing and enforcing femigenocidio as a federal crime.