Certificate Requirements

The Film Studies Certificate is an interdisciplinary graduation certificate that can be completed by students in any major. It involves coursework from cinema studies and a variety of other departments on campus and offers a progression of film study that is structured, but less comprehensive than the major.  

Like a minor, completed certificates are included on a student’s permanent transcript. Students who wish to study cinema while pursuing a different major can choose to either double major or earn a certificate in film studies.  

Cinema studies majors are not eligible for the film certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I declare a Film Certificate? 

There isn’t an official way to “declare” that you’re pursuing the certificate until you apply to graduate. When you apply to graduate, you can declare the Film Certificate using one of the following methods: 

  1. Method 1: Choose the certificate from a dropdown menu in DuckWeb.
  2. Method 2: Declare the certificate on this page after you’ve applied to graduate. This is a web form that gets submitted to the Registrar. 

Does the Cinema Studies Department track my certificate completion? 

No. You must keep track of your own progress by following the guidelines on the Film Certificate Worksheet. Cinema Studies administrative staff are notified by the Registrar after you’ve applied to graduate and will check to see if you have completed all the requirements. If you have not completed all the requirements by the end of the term you’ve applied to graduate in, a “No” determination will be sent to the Registrar by the Cinema Studies Department. Be aware that if you have not successfully completed your Film Certificate when you apply to graduate, your entire BA/BS degree application will be denied by the Registrar. 

Recommended, but not required when applying to graduate: Send your tracking sheet to cinema@uoregon.edu when you apply to graduate with a subject line of “Film Certficate Student applying to graduate.” This will help admin staff review your application more quickly. 

Who do I reach out to with questions regarding the Film Certificate? 

Please email the Cinema Studies administrative staff at cinema@uoregon.edu.