Recent Publications

The Department of Comparative Literature is administered by a core of permanently appointed faculty members as well as faculty drawn from related departments serving fixed-term appointments. Additional affiliated faculty work with our students as teachers and mentors. We are a close collective whose diverse interests, in their aggregate, define a core of inquiry both open and coherent. The titles listed below—of book projects completed and ongoing—are representative of these interests.

Michael Allan

  • In the Shadow of World Literature: Sites of Reading in Colonial Egypt
  • Picturing the World: The Global Routes of Early Cinema, 1896-1903
  • Pensando com Saba Mahmood: Aprensentação (co-edited)
  • Lingua Franca: Toward a Philology of the Sea (co-edited)
  • Reading Secularism: Religion, Literature, Aesthetics (edited)

Monique Balbuena

  • Homeless Tongues: Poetry & Languages of the Sephardic Diaspora
  • “Jewish Latin American Identity and Cultural Production”
  • Poe e Rosa à Luz da Cabala

Steven Brown

  • Japanese Horror and the Transnational Cinema of Sensations
  • Tokyo Cyberpunk: Posthumanism in Japanese Visual Culture
  • Theatricalities of Power: The Cultural Politics of Noh
  • Cinema Anime: Critical Engagements with Japanese Animation
  • Performing Japanese Women

Katherine Brundan

  • The Translational Imagination: A Multilingual Approach to the Nineteenth-Century British Novel
  • “Dracula or Draculitz? Translational Forgery and Bram Stoker’s Dracula.” Victorian Review, vol. 45, no. 2 (Fall 2019): 293-306.
  • “What We Can Learn from the Philologist in Fiction.” Criticism, vol. 61, no. 3 (Winter 2019).
  • “The Polyglot Vampire: the Politics of Translation in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.” Forum for Modern Language Studies vol. 52, no. 1 (Jan 2016): 1-21

Kenneth Calhoon

  • Fatherland: Novalis, Freud and the Discipline of Romance
  • Affecting Grace: Theatre, Subject and the Shakespearean Paradox in German Literature from Lessing to Kleist
  • The Long Century’s Shadow: Weimar Cinema and the Romantic Modern
  • Peripheral Visions: The Hidden Stages of Weimar Cinema (edited)
  • “Es trübt mein Auge sich in Glück und Licht”: Über den Blick in der Literatur (co-edited)
  • The Idea of the Forest: German and American Perspectives on the Culture and Politics of Trees (co-edited)

Roy Chan

  • The Edge of Knowing: Dreams, History, and Realism in Modern Chinese Literature

Sangita Gopal

  • Conjugations: Marriage and Form in New Bollywood Cinema
  • Intermedia in South Asia: The Fourth Screen, Co-edited with Rajinder Dudrah, Anustup Basu and Amit Rai
  • Global Bollywood: Travels of Hindi Film Music, Co-edited with Sujata Moorti

Katya Hokanson

  • Writing at Russia’s Border, University of Toronto Press, 2008.
  • A Woman’s Empire: Russian Women and Imperial Expansion in Asia, University of Toronto Press, 2022. 

Dawn Marlan

  • Regal House Anthologies (Pact Press); Digital Feminist Collective; Lilith; The Atticus Review; The Evergreen Review
  • PMLA, Reaktion Press; Konturen; Exhibition Catalogue, Taos Center for the Arts; Nijmegen University Press
  • Underture (completed manuscript); The Passings (in revision)
  • Puncta (in development)
  • Book Reviews: Modernism/Modernity; The Chicago Tribune; The Oregonian

Leah Middlebrook

  • Imperial Lyric: New Poetry and New Subjects in Early Modern Spain
  • Poiesis and Modernity in the Old and New Worlds (co-edited with Anthony J. Cascardi)
  • Amphion: Lyre, Poiesis, and Politics in Modernity
  • Resonant Niñas: Velázquez, Picasso, and Women Gazed at In Time (in progress)

Lanie Millar

  • Forms of Disappointment: Cuban and Angolan Narrative After the Cold War
  • Alternate Empires in the Lusophone World (in progress)

Jenifer Presto

  • Beyond the Flesh: Alexander Blok, Zinaida Gippius, and the Symbolist Sublimation
  • Catastrophic Modernism: Russian Writing between Etna and Vesuvius

Tze-Yin Teo

  • If Babel Had a Form: Translating Equivalence in the Twentieth-Century Transpacific
  • Unfinished Translation: The Promise of Transpacific Relation
  • Just Translation, or, How Does a Translation Lay Claim to Justice?