English courses explore how writers, cultures, and institutions tell the stories that shape our world. With an average undergraduate class size of 23 students, we create engaging and supportive spaces where students learn to think and write critically – essential skills for college success, career readiness, and ethical living. Our undergraduate and graduate programs offer training in established fields and techniques as well as distinctive offerings in environmental humanities, comics studies, medical humanities, disability studies, rhetoric, digital humanities, and the study of race and ethnicity.
The University of Oregon course catalog offers a four year degree plan and a complete list of undergraduate and graduate courses in the Department of English.
Course Highlights
These three courses span lower and upper division coursework.

ENG 250
Literature and Digital Culture
Instructor: Mattie Burkert
In this class, we will read science fiction classic Frankenstein (1818) and consider the myriad ways Mary Shelley’s novel continues to resonate across digital culture -- from its reinterpretation in electronic literature like Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl (1995) to its frequent invocation in debates over the ethics of AI. Each student will develop a portfolio website of written work interpreting the text of Frankenstein and experimenting with new, digitally-enabled methods of literary analysis. As the foundation for the Digital Humanities minor, this class involves learning to use digital tools and technologies in a supported environment, but no prior technical experience or training is required.

ENG 280
Intro to Comic Studies
Instructor: Kate Kelp-Stebbins
This class provides an introduction to the history and art of comics and to the methodologies of the academic discipline of Comics Studies. Students will be exposed to a range of different comic-art forms (including newspaper strips, collections of serialized comic books, and free-standing graphic novels), as well as examples of contemporary comics scholarship.

ENG 260
Media Aesthetics
Instructor: Ari Purnama
This course explores the fundamentals of film and media aesthetics, including narrative, mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing, and sound. By learning how to analyze film and utilize proper cinematic language, students will begin to critically understand film as an art form and a product of culture. By the end of the course, students will see all aesthetic elements in a film as a series of choices made through the complex collaboration of artists and craftspeople. Students will also gain the key tools and concepts that they will implement in their own creative work.
Upcoming Courses
Winter 2024
Undergraduate Courses
Lower Division Courses
CRN | Course Number | Course Name | Instructor |
26499 | ENG 104Z | Intro to Fiction | Zeller |
26500 | ENG 104Z | Intro to Fiction | Ivy |
22107 | ENG 105Z | Intro to Drama | Recker |
26639 | ENG 106Z | Intro to Poetry | Pyle |
26501 | ENG 108 | World Literature | Southworth |
22113 | ENG 205 | Top Romance | Brown |
22114 | ENG 205 | Top RomComs | Barter |
22117 | ENG 230 | Intro to Environmental Literature | LeMenager |
22119 | ENG 241 | Intro to African American Lit | Thompson |
26507 | ENG 243 | Intro to Chicano/Latino Literature | Herrera |
22121 | ENG 250 | Literature & Digital Culture | Burkert |
22122 | ENG 260M | Media Aesthetics | Forster |
22123 | ENG 260M | Media Aesthetics | Ovalle |
22124 | ENG 260M | Media Aesthetics | Steinhart |
Upper Division Courses
CRN | Course Number | Course Name | Instructor |
26510 | ENG 304 | Foundations of the English Major: Context | Bovilsky/Cortez/Wood |
26517 | ENG 313 | Teen/Child Literature | Cheng |
26519 | ENG 315 | Topic: BI Feminist Jurisprudence | Barter |
22133 | ENG 316 | Top Feminist Rhetoric | Jones |
22419 | FLR 320 | Car Cultures | Sayre |
22136 | ENG 330 | Oral Controversy and Advocacy | Jones |
22137 | ENG 335 | Inventing Arguments | Wakefield |
22138 | ENG 360 | African American Writers | Thompson |
22139 | ENG 361 | Native American Writers | Brown |
22141 | ENG 381M | Film, Media, & Culture | McGuffie |
22142 | ENG 392 | American Novel | Hatay |
22144 | ENG 399 | Special Studies: Writing Associates | Bryant-Berg |
22146 | ENG 401 | Research | STAFF |
22147 | ENG 403 | Thesis | STAFF |
26888 | ENG 404 | Story Circles | Wheeler |
22148 | ENG 404 | Intern Writing Associate | Bryant-Berg |
22149 | ENG 404 | Intern Disability Studies | STAFF |
22150 | ENG 404 | Intern Communication Literacy | STAFF |
22151 | ENG 405 | Reading | STAFF |
22153 | ENG 407 | Sem Poets Yeats/Heaney | Quigley |
22155 | ENG 420 | Art of the Sentence | Bergquist |
26521 | ENG 425 | Medieval Romance | Laskaya |
22157 | ENG 429 | Top OEII Maldon Battle | Clark |
22158 | ENG 448 | Restoration & 18th Century Literature | Bohls |
22159 | ENG 455 | English Romantic Writing | Pyle |
26522 | ENG 457 | Top Secrets & Scandals | Cheng |
26523 | ENG 486M | New Media/Digital Culture | Burkert |
26524 | ENG 488 | Top Race/Rep in Film | Herrera |
Graduate Courses
CRN | Course Number | Course Name | Instructor |
22160 | ENG 503 | Thesis | STAFF |
22161 | ENG 520 | Art of the Sentence | Bergquist |
22162 | ENG 529 | Top OEII Maldon Battle | Clark |
26530 | ENG 548 | Restoration & 18th Century Literature | Bohls |
22163 | ENG 555 | English Romantic Writing | Pyle |
26531 | ENG 557 | Top Secrets & Scandals | Cheng |
26533 | ENG 586M | New Media/Digital Culture | Burkert |
26534 | ENG 588 | Top Race/Rep in Film | Herrera |
22164 | ENG 601 | Research | STAFF |
22165 | ENG 603 | Dissertation | STAFF |
22167 | ENG 605 | Reading | Alaimo |
22169 | ENG 607 | Sem Climate/Fic Future | LeMenager |
22170 | ENG 608 | Workshop: Publication | Bohls |
22173 | ENG 613 | GTF Comp Apprentice | Tasker/Kovalchuk |
26526 | ENG 614 | Intro Lit & Culture Theory | Alaimo |
26527 | ENG 630 | Top Queer Shakespeare | Saunders |
26528 | ENG 695 | Top World Cinema | Allan |