Research Opportunities

Ready to investigate the answers to your burning questions? Research is a vital part of your undergraduate experience at the UO, and it’s never too soon to get started. Many students find research opportunities through taking coursework, networking, and directly contacting faculty members. Plus, there are many resources available to help students in the Department of German and Scandinavian conduct their own authentic research. 

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Center for Undergraduate Research and Engagement (CURE)

CURE connects the dots among UO’s three fundamental priorities. By offering undergraduates outstanding research opportunities, CURE rings together institutional priorities of research excellence, enhancing student access and success, and enriching the undergraduate experience. CURE supports students in all eight undergraduate colleges at UO, taking a broad definition of research that includes scholarship and creative work in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

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Undergraduate Research Symposium 

Participation in the Undergraduate Research Symposium empowers undergraduates to share their ideas, discoveries, and artistic work with the campus and the local community. The event traditionally takes place in the EMU in the style of an academic conference and includes all types of academic research, allowing you to present your work through a poster, oral presentation, data story, or in a performance. 


Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)

Participation in research is a vital part of the undergraduate experience at the University of Oregon. Students from across disciplines can be found investigating, discovering, creating, and innovating. The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program provides the largest amount of support for faculty mentored undergraduate research at the University of Oregon, giving out more than $200,000 in support annually.


Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowship

The Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowship program is designed to increase the research opportunities for undergraduates in the humanities. The program immerses a cohort of students in sixteen weeks of research during the winter and spring terms.