Graduate Certificate Requirements

REEES offers a graduate certificate to graduate students enrolled in MA and PhD programs at the University of Oregon who have a special interest in Russia, Eastern Europe, or former Soviet Eurasia. The certificate may be earned in conjunction with the student’s primary degree and courses taken to fulfill degree requirements may be double-counted toward the certificate.

The certificate in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies requires 32 graded graduate-level credits passed with a grade of B- or better. Credits used for the language requirement may not be applied to the 32-credit course requirement.


Four years of university study of one or two Slavic languages, or equivalent competency. The language requirement for the certificate may be completed by either of the following options:

  • Four years of a single Slavic language
  • Four years of two Slavic languages (total)

Field of Concentration

Three graduate-level courses (four credits each) in a field of concentration.


A significant (e.g., 25-page) research paper written in conjunction with a course or written as part of an individualized reading course.


Four graduate-level courses (4 credits each), of which two may be in the field of concentration. Language courses beyond the minimum requirement may count as electives.

For more information, contact our director of graduate studies.