We encourage all of our students to get involved in archaeological excavation. By studying the primary languages and participating in experiential learning activities, students engage with the ancient Greeks and Romans directly, furthering their immersion in and knowledge of the ancient world.

Gain Real World Experience
Classical archaeology excavations in Pompeii offer students the chance to participate in the longest-running archaeological “laboratory” in the world. Since the mid-18th century, archaeologists have tested and developed new methodologies and technologies at this site. Important advances in the field continue to happen there today, offering students a wealth of opportunities during their academic journeys.

Explore the Classics Collections
In 2017, the Department of Classics assembled $15,000 in funding from within and outside the University of Oregon, including a $5,000 donation from Jill Overley, in order to purchase antiquities from the Toledo Museum of Art. The pieces are now on display at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, and students are able to physically handle them. We are very excited to have physical remains from the ancient Mediterranean here in Oregon. Offering students the chance to touch a pitcher that someone filled with wine or water 2,300 years ago is an experience unlike any other offered here in the Department of Classics.

Travel and Study Around the World
Regardless of your concentration, there is no better way to immerse yourself in the classics discipline than by studying or interning abroad in the Greco-Roman world. Whether to hone your language skills, gain archeological field experience, or study the classics in their birthplace, studying abroad will provide a fulfilling and holistic experience.