Master's Requirements

The program leading to the MA degree is designed for a length of two years. The curriculum is focused on the study of German language literature and culture since the Enlightenment. It offers students both the breadth necessary for an understanding of complex and enduring works of literature and thought, and also the depth necessary to complete an MA thesis (or, optionally, two shorter papers) that represents an original research contribution to the field of German.

Throughout the program our students are mentored closely and are given all the support needed to help them develop their intellectual interests and to successfully complete the program in two years. This includes faculty guidance for students writing portfolio papers (which are revised and expanded term papers to hone academic writing skills), presenting their work in workshops and at conferences, and planning for a time beyond the degree.

Most of our MA students work as graduate employees (GEs), teaching one section of first-year or second-year German per term while pursuing their own course of study. We offer plentiful mentoring and support for these teaching responsibilities as well. The financial compensation of the GE position, along with a tuition waiver and health insurance available at minimal cost, enables students to support themselves while working towards the degree. They also gain valuable teaching experience that will be an asset in any future career, particularly in the field of education.

Those interested in entering the MA program should either hold a BA or anticipate its completion prior to the beginning of the fall term for which they are submitting an application. We admit new students only for the fall term each year. Click through to learn more about the 5-year BA/MA Program.

Course Sequences

A series of required core courses that are grouped according to common themes give the program a topical and critical coherence. Among these core courses, some address a specific genre, while others focus on important aspects of German philosophical discourse, on the theory and practice of translation and intermedial transfer, and the common research methodologies and literary-theoretical discourses relevant for critical analysis in the field.

These core courses are paired with optional seminars of related or complementary content, and students are encouraged to explore connections between courses. MA students also may enroll in up to two courses outside of our department to pursue interdisciplinary connections relating to their research interests.

“Paradigms of Interpretation” Sequence

  • GER 690 Form and Structure
  • GER 691 Gender, Race, Class, Nation
  • GER 692 Subject Consciousness, Mind

“Mediations” Sequence

  • GER 693 Photography, Film, Video, Electronic Media
  • GER 694 Environment and Text
  • GER 695 Translations/Transformations

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Course Requirements

The MA degree requires successful completion of a minimum of 12 courses (48 credits) at the 500 or 600 level. At least 10 of these (40 credits) must be in German (GER). A student may take up to two of these 12 graduate courses (or eight credits) from other programs, if the courses are related to their research projects and with approval from the graduate advisor. Nine of the GER courses must be graded, and the total graduate GPA must remain 3.3 or higher.

In addition to these 48 credits, students must also complete the following 22 credits of coursework in the following areas:

  • GER 610 Wrk: Teaching Methods (graded, 4 credits): This should be taken in the fall of their first year.
  • GER 609 Pedagogy (6 credits): A one-credit course taken in each of the six quarters. Students enroll in one credit hour with the language coordinator for each term in which they are instructors of record for language courses on the 100, 200, or 300 level, or with the faculty member in the Department of German and Scandinavian who is teaching a course for which they are discussion leaders. GER 609 Pedagogy credit cannot be granted for courses taught in other departments for which graduate students in German are discussion leaders. Where appropriate, GER 609 Pedagogy credit may be granted for relevant teaching experience in other settings at the discretion of the director of graduate studies.
  • GER 601 (3 credits): A one-credit advising tutorial in the second quarter and a one-credit portfolio paper advising tutorial during each of two quarters between the second and fourth quarter.*
  • GER 503 or 605 (9 credits): Tutorials to prepare the MA Thesis or MA Papers. The graduate school requires that a student be registered for at least three graduate credits during the term they receive the degree. If a student completes a thesis during this final term, registration must include three credits of GER 503 (Thesis).

*Students must submit an approved Individualized Study Contract for GER 503, 601, 605 each time they enroll for these (repeatable) courses.

Students must be enrolled for a minimum of two regularly scheduled GER graduate courses, or graduate courses in other departments or programs, according to these MA degree requirements, plus one credit of GER 609 pedagogy for each term of a GE appointment.

GSL Individualized Study Contract

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Mentoring and Professional Training

Incoming students will meet with the director of graduate studies (DGS) twice during the first term—once in the beginning, once towards the end—to discuss program requirements and general questions about graduate study in the department. As part of the second meeting the DGS assigns each student a faculty mentor for the subsequent term (winter), with whom the student will register for one credit of GER 601. This mentor will meet with the student four times during winter term to develop a personal reading list and engage the student in intellectual exchange.

The mentor will help the student assemble a committee which may, but need not, include the mentor. The initial two members of the student’s committee should be determined by the beginning of spring term. During the spring conversation, both of these faculty members will meet with the student to discuss the student’s submitted statement.

Each year the department offers a broad variety of lectures, conferences, and workshops. These extracurricular events are essential for the professional training of our graduate students, who are therefore expected to attend.

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Spring Conversation

By the end of week two of spring term, all first-year MA students will submit to their committee and the DGS a “Spring Conversation Starter” (SCS). This written piece of about two pages need not follow a fixed format but will describe the student’s intellectual activity over the past year and sketch a possible path for the coming year.

Areas to touch on include the student’s intellectual interests and ambitions (longstanding or newly discovered), important intellectual experiences of the past year, discovery of particular authors or works during that time, reports on conferences or other public events they attended and/or to which they contributed, their plans for remaining coursework, portfolio paper experiences, the status of their thesis project and what they hope to achieve in the coming year, plans for, or reflections on, possibilities beyond graduation.

By week five students will meet with their assigned mentor and the suggested second committee member to discuss the SCS. The DGS may participate in these meetings as needed.

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Portfolio Papers

Two papers from amongst the substantial research papers written during the first three terms of study must be revised under tutorial supervision (GER 601) and, once approved by the professor directing the tutorial, submitted as portfolio papers. Portfolio papers will be about 25-28 pages in length; the revision process aims to expand the depth of the original research paper and enhance the overall argumentation.

The purpose of this requirement is twofold: to enhance scholarly research and writing skills, and to enable students to prepare accomplished writing samples for future use. The first revised paper must be submitted by the end of the spring term of the first year. The second paper must be submitted by the end of the fall term of the second year. In each case, the revisions are to be undertaken in the context of a GER 601 tutorial with the professor with whom the paper was originally written (except with approval of the graduate advisor). Students must submit an outline of their argument for the professor’s approval before revising each portfolio paper.

Note: Students must make at least one public presentation of their research (such as reading a 20-minute paper) at a joint graduate-student colloquium (normally during winter term of the second year of study) or at an approved conference.

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Foreign Language Requirement

To satisfy the German and Scandinavian department requirement for competence in two foreign languages, MA students have to demonstrate reading proficiency (or better) in a language other than English or German. They may satisfy this requirement either by passing two years (or the equivalent) of college-level language work, or by passing a graduate-level reading knowledge course (for languages in which such a course is offered).

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Reading List

Between winter term of their first year and the end of winter term of the second year, each student compiles a personalized reading list. This list is composed of selections from the MA core reading list, course readings, and texts chosen by the student by virtue of personal predilection.

Sustained contact and discussion with mentors, committee members, and other faculty members is essential in shaping each student’s list. The list ultimately serves as the basis for the written and oral MA examinations. Students need to obtain final approval of their reading list from all committee members and are responsible for submitting the reading list (signed by all committee members) to the director of graduate studies by March 31 of their second year.

MA Core Reading list

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MA Thesis or Papers

Students must submit and, at the final oral examination, successfully defend their MA thesis (ca. 50-60 pages in length) or two MA papers (25-30 pages each). Both thesis and MA papers may be based on portfolio papers, but must show further research and a broad scope. The thesis or MA papers will be written under the guidance of the student’s examination committee.

General requirements for the thesis and information on style are found in the Thesis and Dissertation Style and Policy Manual that may be downloaded from the graduate school website. The thesis is usually written in English, but students may petition the graduate school for permission to write it in German. Students who choose the MA papers option may write one of their papers in German.

Thesis and Dissertation Style and Policy Manual

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The examination committee is composed of three tenure-related departmental faculty members that the student will have begun to identify starting in spring of their first year. If the student is writing an MA thesis, the committee must include the thesis advisor (who will also be the director of the written and oral examination) and two additional faculty members.

If the student is writing two MA papers, the committee consists of the advisors of each of the two papers and one additional faculty member, for a total of three members; the student chooses one of the MA paper advisors as the director of the written and oral examination.

Written Examination

Each student must successfully complete the final written examination. The student will respond to one question from each of the following areas: one genre across different periods; one specific period; and one or more theoretical frameworks or philosophical discussions. The director of the written examination will advise the student as to the range of genres, periods, and theoretical frameworks covered by the questions. Responses are expected to be drawn from both the reading list and the student’s completed coursework. The exam will have two questions per category of which one must be answered; the student will be allowed to take the exam home and complete it within eight hours. The examination is administered during the sixth week of the spring quarter of the second year.

Oral Examination

Within two weeks of the written exam, the student takes a final 60-90 minute oral examination. Questions will pertain to the final written exam, the reading list, and the MA thesis or papers. The examiners will approve the MA thesis or papers only upon the student’s successful completion of the oral exam. Examiners' comments will be available, for viewing only, in each student’s file soon after the completion of the exam.

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Important Deadlines for the Second Year

Below are some important deadlines for the second year of the program.

  • October 15: Director of thesis (or first MA paper) chosen and one-page proposal/outline approved.
  • End of week 5 of winter term: Approved first MA paper due. Director of second MA paper approves outline. Rough draft of thesis due.
  • February 15: Rough draft of second MA paper due. Selection of all MA committee members finalized; individual reading list and examination areas to be developed in consultation with the committee.
  • March 31: Approved thesis/second MA paper due. Reading list finalized, portfolio papers complete.

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Policy Changes Since 2019

The policy changes below were approved by the department in April 2019. For details, continuing students should contact the director of graduate studies.

  • Students may submit a relevant pre-professional project in lieu of one of the two required portfolio papers.
  • Students taking two graduate-level GER classes in a single term may, for one of the classes, submit an alternative project in lieu of a standard long-form term paper, in consultation with both professors.
  • The third language requirement can now be met with a single course (e.g., French for Reading Knowledge).

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