Study Abroad

Travel and Study Around the World

Students underwater in diving gear linking arms in circle while throwing the O

Besides strengthening language skills that will allow you to access philosophical texts in the original language, studying abroad is an invaluable experience that broadens your horizon and perspective on things. You may consider either short-term intensive language courses, or, if you have the required language skills, you may consider studying philosophy in another country for a year.

If you are planning to take philosophy courses in a foreign language you should be aware that most scholarships and exchange programs require at least two years of college-level in the language spoken at the university you wish to attend.

Study Abroad Scholarships

Study Abroad with UO

Want to study philosophy while immersed in another culture?

The University of Oregon offers more than 10 study abroad programs that can satisfy your Philosophy major or minor requirements. Programs are currently offered in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Oceania. Alternatively, you can intern abroad through the GlobalWorks International Internship program in a variety of regions around the world.

See All Study Abroad Programs

International Exchange

Students can enroll as an exchange student at a top international research institution for fall or winter semester, spring semester or quarter, a full academic year, or summer term. Exchange students experience an immersive study abroad experience, living and learning with local students in their chosen city.

Get Started: Fill out this interest form to get matched with a GEO advisor.

Exchange Programs

Featured Study Abroad Opportunities in Philosophy

European Union flag next to the United States flag

GlobalWorks International Internships

This program, administered by Global Education Oregon (GEO), offers internship opportunities in a wide variety of industry sectors and locations around the world.

Internship opportunities are highly customizable, and we guarantee placement in your preferred sector and location. Students earn up to eight UO credits as well as life-changing work experience in a different culture.

Please email to discuss your options.

Learn More about GlobalWorks


Gender, Race and Social Justice in London

Who we are and what we do, monarchies and museums, churches and brothels, detective novels and Shakespeare’ plays, all are shaped by gender. As one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, London is a great place to explore the workings of gender, race, and social class in history, society, art, architecture, science, and religion.

From its ancient pagan religions to modern-day churches, mosques, and temples, from historical to contemporary monarchs, London is a case study in interlocking social differences and structures of power.

Learn about the Program in London

Universities Abroad with Philosophy Courses

If you wish to study philosophy abroad for a year, consult either with the director of undergraduate studies or with another UO philosophy faculty member you took classes with to hear about philosophy departments abroad that offer classes in your area of interest.


  • National University of Singapore Exchange
  • Dankook University Exchange
  • Hong Kong University Exchange
  • Japan’s Womens’ Study University Exchange


  • Humanities in Athens
  • Liberal Arts in London
  • University of Leicester Exchange
  • University of Bristol Exchange
  • University of Edinburgh Exchange
  • University of Tampere Exchange
  • University of Oslo Exchange
  • University of Sheffield Exchange
  • Uppsala University Exchange
  • University of Aberdeen
  • University of Bergen

Middle East

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem


  • Curtin University Exchange
  • University of Otago Exchange
  • La Trobe University Exchange
  • Australian National University Exchange


Graduate Study Abroad

Studying abroad for a year while you get ready to write your dissertation or are writing your dissertation is important, especially if you work with European and other non-Anglophone philosophers. It provides new venues for thinking and allows you to make professionally valuable connections. There are numerous funding opportunities that you can find listed below.

If you are planning to take courses in a foreign language, you should be aware that most scholarships and exchange programs require at least 2 years of college-level in the language spoken at the university one wishes to attend. There are programs in the UK and in northern European countries where graduate level courses are offered in English. For example, consider the University of Södertörn in Sweden, the University of Bergen in Norway, and the University of Nijmegen in Holland.

If you think of studying abroad after you have completed your coursework, you should start planning at the beginning of your second year. Get information on what universities would be of interest to you. Your professors at UO may have valuable connections, so talk with them. Check out funding opportunities and application deadlines.

We encourage you to consider going to the following summer programs abroad.

Collegium Phaenomenologicum

Meets in July in Citta di Castello, Italy, for three weeks. Application deadlines are in January or February. Usually, the programs are announced at SPEP at the beginning of the academic year. Check out funding opportunities and deadlines from CAS or the Graduate School early in the academic year.

For more information, contact Daniela Vallega-Neu or Alejandro Vallega.

Collegium Phaenomenologicum

Center of Study and Investigation for Decolonial Dialogues

Meets for 10 days in July in Barcelona, Spain.

For more information, contact Alejandro Vallega.

Dialogo Decolonial

Funding for Studying Philosophy at the Master’s or Doctorate level