The College of Arts and Sciences awards various scholarships to both incoming and current students. These include donor-supported scholarships and fellowships; inclusion scholarships to support students coming to the University of Oregon from underrepresented communities; and financial support to assist students in completing an unpaid internship, research opportunity, or service-learning experience.
The Mark Johnson Philosophy Matters Prize
Professor Emeritus Mark Johnson was Philip H. Knight Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oregon from 1994 until 2024. Dr. Johnson is an internationally renowned scholar of pragmatism, moral theory, cognitive science, and philosophical psychology. One focus of his work has been understanding how humans make meaningful lives. During his thirty years at the University of Oregon, Dr. Johnson taught more than ten thousand students. Especially memorable for many undergraduate students were his courses on the philosophers John Dewey and William James and his PHIL 101: Philosophical Problems course. This prize is named in his honor and reflects the high esteem of both his colleagues and his students.
Philosophy matters when it reveals the meaning of our experiences -- past, present, and future-directed -- and when it cultivates intelligence for addressing the problems that plague our daily lives. Its value lies in the way it enriches and deepens our own self-understanding, and/or when it nurtures a reflective and generous understanding of the experience, values, and cultural systems and practices of others.
For this prize, essays in all traditions and areas of philosophy are welcome. Essays may discuss issues that emerge in and between philosophical texts or between philosophical texts and everyday lived experiences, or they may develop a philosophical analysis of experience or concepts, such as identity and values. Independent reflection or analysis on the relevance of the texts, issues, and/or concepts being discussed is encouraged.
How and When to Submit an Essay
Essays should be no more than 20 double spaced pages. To submit and essay for the Philosophy Matters Prize email an anonymized version (that is nothing in the paper with your name) in a standard doc or pdf format to no later than May 19th. Please indicate in the subject line that your essay is a submission for the philosophy matters prize. Only one submission per student per year.
Financial Aid Department Scholarships
University-wide scholarships are offered centrally through the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. Scholarships are available to incoming students and to those who are already attending the UO and are based on merit, need, or a combination of both.
McNair Scholars Program
The McNair Scholars Program (TRiO) prepares qualified juniors and seniors for graduate study leading to PhD degrees. UO McNair Scholars receive comprehensive support to earn undergraduate degrees, complete research projects in their fields of study, and apply to graduate schools. The program’s limited size provides a close-knit community while helping students gain a broad understanding of research and university culture.
Undergraduate Travel Awards
Each student with a declared philosophy major and junior or senior standing at the UO is eligible for one reimbursement for expenses up to $400 for conference travel. These awards facilitate travel to present a paper at undergraduate and professional conferences in Philosophy.
Eligible students will be reimbursed for their travel as applications are submitted until May 15. Students who have already received funding for a conference may nonetheless apply for funds, as their applications will be considered if there are funds remaining. Please submit any additional applications by May 15. If you apply for an additional award before May 15, your application will be held until the deadline.
Students are encouraged to seek lodging opportunities with local peers at the conference to reduce the overall expense. Contact conference organizers to discuss options.
Travel awards are administered by the Undergraduate Committee.
To apply for a travel award, please submit the following to the chair of the Undergraduate Committee as soon as you receive notice of acceptance to present a conference paper:
- Undergraduate Travel Award Application Form
- Confirmation of conference acceptance
The chair of the Undergraduate Committee will confirm your eligibility and availability of funds via email.
Reimbursement will be paid upon submission of receipts up to $400. Please submit receipts to the department’s business manager as soon as you return from your trip. Note the following receipt requirements:
- Conference schedule: The conference schedule listing dates and places, registration fees, conference hotel (if applicable), and meals is required. If you don’t have one, check the web.
- Travel Itinerary: Travel reimbursement information must contain the date, time, and place of departure, as well as the date, time, and place of return (a copy of the airline itinerary will suffice). The airline itinerary must be purchased by the person requesting reimbursement and show payment received. Airfares must be from Eugene, not Portland. If you use ground transportation to go to Portland, you must include a copy of a comparison fare to show that your flight from Portland with ground transport cost less than a flight from Eugene. Separate quotes are required for any ticket that includes personal travel. When combining personal travel with travel to be reimbursed, payment will be based on the least expensive and reasonable means of transportation to the business location.
- Meal Per Diem and Lodging: Meals are paid at a flat per diem rate; you do not need receipts for meals. Lodging receipts must be in the traveler’s name, and show payment received. The meal and lodging per diem is limited to the business portion of the trip. Generally, the dates of the conference or meeting and one travel day before and after are allowable for reimbursement. Note that you cannot be reimbursed for meals listed on the conference schedule or included on registration forms.
Please direct all questions about documentation for reimbursement or which expenses can be reimbursed to the department’s business manager.