Welcome to the Major Requirements and Advising page. You can learn more about the major, including degree requirements, by exploring the information below.
Why study English? What’s required to earn a degree? It's all summarized in our major map.
Beginning in 2020-21 the English major consists of 56 credit hours divided among:
- lower-division courses that increase your understanding of literary genres and histories
- a writing requirement where you can deepen your understanding of grammar and style while increasing your rhetorical versatility
- Foundations courses that offer you tools and methods for critical analysis
- upper-division requirements and electives where you will explore a wide range of texts and cultural artifacts to increase your moral and aesthetic sensitivity
Lower-Division Requirement (16 credit hours)
- Two courses in genre: ENG 205 Genre (8 credit hours)
- Two lower-division electives (8 credit hours)
- In some terms, ENG 199: Special Studies, will count in this category.
- Only one Introduction to Literature course (ENG 104, 105, 106) can be used for lower-division electives.
- Folklore (FLR) courses count when taught by English department faculty. See the annual Undergraduate Major Advising Supplement below.
- Select courses in the Clark Honors College (HC 221H, 222H, and 223H) and the Humanities program (HUM 101, 102, and 103) can count as lower-division electives.
Foundations of the English Major (8 credit hours)
You must take ENG 303, and 304 or 305. ENG 304 and 305 will be taught in alternate years.
- ENG 303: Text (Fall term)
- ENG 304: Context
- ENG 305: Theory
Writing Requirement (4 credit hours)
- One of the following courses:
- ENG 209: The Craft of the Sentence
- ENG 420: The Art of the Sentence
- WR 320: Scientific and Technical Writing
- WR 321: Business Communication
- WR 423: Advanced Composition
Additional Upper-Division Coursework (32 credit hours)
Additional upper-division coursework must total a minimum of 32 credit hours. A minimum of 28 of the upper-division requirements must be taken at the University of Oregon.
You must take at least one class in each of the following categories:
- Literature, Pre-1500
- Literature, 1500-1789
- Literature, 1789-Present
- Theory and/or Rhetoric
- Media, Folklore, and/or Culture
- Gender, Ability, Queer Studies, and/or Sexualities
- Empire, Race, and/or Ethnicity
Note: In addition to selecting courses that automatically satisfy requirements in two areas, during any given term other courses may also fulfill two requirements at once.
Upper-Division Electives:
Additional upper-division work may be needed to fulfill the minimum of 32 credit hours required for the major. You may use a maximum of 8 credit hours in ENG 401, 402, 405, 408, and/or WR 408. Electives may include any of the upper-division courses listed above in areas A-G as well as any others listed in the Advising Supplement.
Planning Note: If the upper-division requirements have all been satisfied with 4-credit courses, only 4 credits would be required in this area. If you double-dip two courses, 8 credits would be required. All courses for the major must be passed with grades of mid-C or better to count.