Why Study Italian at the UO?
An estimated 180 million people worldwide speak Italian as their primary or secondary language. Almost 17 million North Americans identify as having Italian ancestry. Italian culture is traditionally recognized for its rich contributions to art, architecture, music, literature, and philosophy. Today Italy attracts interest in a wide variety of areas, including tourism, its emigrant heritage, filmmaking, fashion industry, and gastronomy.
Undergraduate Programs
The Department of Romance Languages offers an undergraduate major and minor in Italian as well as a major in Romance languages. And you can also double-major in hundreds of other UO degree programs. Recent undergraduate courses include offerings focused on food studies, Italian East Africa and Italian-American studies.
Graduate Programs
We offer MA programs in Italian and in Romance languages, which combines Italian with French or Spanish. In our Romance languages PhD program, students work in Italian as their primary language and take some coursework in either French or Spanish.

Building Skills through Mentorship
"My experience within the Italian mentorship program has been nothing but positive. The Italian department is a supportive community with many opportunities to get involved and deepen one's connection to Italian language and culture. In my role as a classroom assistant, I can encourage new Italian students in their exploration of the language while simultaneously strengthening my own Italian skills."
—Audrey Bunce, global studies major

Travel and Study Around the World
The Department of Romance Languages prepares students for the future of global citizenship and the workforce. We encourage students of Italian to enroll in one or more of our language and culture programs in the historic towns of Ferrara, Macerata, Pavia, Lecce, and Siena. Programs are as short as four weeks and as long as a full academic year. The department offers several scholarships to help students pursue their studies. In addition, through the IE3 program, undergraduates can earn academic credit for doing a professional internship in Italy.

What You Can Do with a Degree in Italian
What kind of career will you pursue? French language study opens up a wide range of career opportunities — from non-profit work to high-tech, foreign service, healthcare, social justice, and beyond. As our alumni profiles demonstrate, language study can take you just about anywhere!
Learn from Experts in Italian
Our department faculty is composed of three Italian specialists who work on all aspects of the Italian-speaking world, including Ethiopia! They are passionate scholars who inform and inspire and are dedicated mentors who help students build real-world skills and strong professional networks.
Scholarships and Funding
The Department of Romance Languages awards multiple scholarships to current undergraduate and graduate students who are declared majors or minors within the department. Learn more about available scholarships and eligibility requirements.
Undergraduate ScholarshipsGraduate Funding
Academic Support
Our academic advisors can help students talk through their major or minor requirements, plan their course of study, explore study abroad opportunities, and more.
Undergraduate AdvisingSupport for Graduate Students