Declaring the major in English begins with an intake meeting where an English Faculty member helps chart a path through the major based on student goals and introduces students to the rich culture of student groups in the department. Undergraduates can take part in at least two St. Louis Seminars each year where topic classes are offered in poetry and other genre in a seminar style small class experience specifically for advanced undergraduates. The Writing Associates Program offers both volunteer/internship possibilities and tutoring opportunities, and students may also receive tutoring by registering for the one-credit course, WR 195 Writing Tutorial.
Why study English? What’s required to earn a degree? It's all summarized in our major map.
Connect with an English Advisor
Interested in learning more about becoming an English major? Need help planning your courses? Advisors in the English Department can help. Please get in touch with the following people:

Undergraduate Director
Profile: Stephanie Clark

Associate Undergraduate Director
Profile: Corbett Upton
IMPORTANT: All declared English majors are enrolled in the Canvas “English Department Information Site for Undergraduate Majors.” Please check this site frequently for timely announcements, course schedule information and events of interest to English majors. Click here to go to the UO Canvas login page.
What are you trying to do?
Declare the English major
Ready to continue your story with the Department of English? The next step is declaring the major or one of our minors.
Writing Associates
The Writing Associates Program offers tutoring services to undergraduates taking composition and lower-division English courses.
Individualized Study
Undergraduates can use this form to develop independent study courses in consultation with a department faculty member.
General Academic and Career Advising
The Tykeson College and Career Advising in Willie and Donald Tykeson Hall is UO's new advising center, located on 13th Avenue, between Johnson and Chapman Halls. At Tykeson Hall, you can work with professional college and career advisors who can help you explore your interests, schedule your classes, plan for graduation, discuss career interests, and more.
You can schedule an appointment with our Tykeson college and career advising team via the Navigate app available in the App Store or Google Play. Please visit the Office of Academic Advising's website for information about appointments and hours of operation.
Tykeson College and Career Advising is the academic and career advising destination for all students who:
- Have not yet declared a major, referred to as exploring students
- Are declared majors and minors in the College of Arts and Sciences
- Are considering another major or exploring other majors
- Want to explore career options and opportunities
Students with declared majors and minors in the College of Arts and Sciences should also continue to seek advice from faculty when they are looking for specific information about their chosen major or detailed information about their major department and its curricular and co-curricular offerings.
Links to University Advising Resources
- UO Class Schedule
- UO Course Catalog
- Group Satisfying & Multicultural Course Requirements
- Office of the Registrar A-Z Index
Tykeson Advising Degree Maps:
- Top Five Reasons to Major in English
- Top Five Reasons to Minor in English
- Top Five Reasons to Minor in Comics and Cartoon Studies
- Top Five Reasons to Minor Digital Humanities
- Top Five Reasons to Minor in WSCR
- Top Five Reasons to Major in Comparative Literature
- Top Five Reasons to Minor in Comparative Literature
Course Planning Documents
Below are advising documents that will help you plan your major coursework.
The annual Undergraduate Advising Supplement lists all courses offered in a particular year and what categories they satisfy. The English Major Worksheet contains a chart that will help you map out which categories you have finished and which ones you still need to fulfill.
Please refer to these advising documents for the English Major:
- English Major Advising Supplement 2024-25
- English Major Advising Supplement 2023-24
- English Major Advising Supplement 2022-23
- English Major Advising Supplement 2021-22
- English Major Advising Supplement 2020-21
- English Major Advising Supplement 2019-20
- English Major Advising Supplement 2018-19
- English Major Advising Supplement 2017-18
- English Major Worksheet
- English Major Requirements
- Fall 2023 Course Description Handout